Renovating for the elderly and disabled

elderly flat

With life expectancies continuing to rise and the population of post-WWII baby boomers just hitting retirement, accommodation for the elderly is in high demand. While there are many pitfalls to avoid when undergoing a property renovation project in general, when the property is intended to be inhabited by senior citizens or those with disabilities, there are specific considerations which must be made. Continue reading…

Common pitfalls to avoid when renovating


As we have covered in a previous article, time and time again people make the same old property development mistakes, ultimately sabotaging their renovation projects. While there are many key elements to a successful renovation, from researching the designated area thoroughly to perfecting the same of the sale, a successful renovation is not only the result of the things that you do, it’s the result of the things that you have the awareness to avoid! Since there are so many of them, here are some of the more fatal pitfalls for you to sidestep when embarking on a renovation project.

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How to renovate your fireplace


We don’t know about you, but all this festive talk of chestnuts roasting on open fires and of hanging stockings around fireplaces has made us begin to think about overhauling our own fireplaces. Continue reading…

Don’t let water damage ruin your renovation project

Water damaged property

When planning a renovation project, it’s important that you take the necessary steps to keep the property protected from water damage. Not only can a property’s structural integrity be compromised by water damage, there can be secondary consequences such as the formation of damp patches which can lead to insect infestations and bacterial growths! Continue reading…