Why you should enlist the help of renovation insurance brokers for your high-end property


Risk is never absent when dealing with properties. Purchasing a car has risks, building a house has risks and even being employed has risks. However, when you own an unusually high-value item (such as a high-end property), the necessity to keep your investment secure is more vital than ever. This is the main reason why the insurance industry is thriving nowadays. Continue reading…

Grief Encounter: Helping bereaved children

Grief Encounter

Having lost his own father at 17, our managing partner Douglas understands the importance of helping children cope with grief. That’s why we support Grief Encounter, a charity that helps young people and their families deal with bereavement. Continue reading…

English Heritage listed buildings protection: Changes to the ERR Act 2013

English Heritage and St Mary's Vicarage, Ely

English Heritage has made changes to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (ERR) Act 2013 to provide a more efficient system for protecting listed buildings. Continue reading…